Luna144 schreef:Tim schreef:
The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Charluweke runs away from the Cornucopia.
Varamyr runs away from the Cornucopia.
Paran0id, Berneice, Maaikut, and Kendra share everything they gathered before running.
BlueDream runs away from the Cornucopia.
Lavaires runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ophiocordyceps runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ikigai runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tamimount runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kittydekat, Daijen, Katnissx, and Chrysalism share everything they gathered before running.
Yvie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ninaj runs away from the Cornucopia.
Luna144 clutches a first aid kit and runs away.
Amarynthia runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ursela runs away from the Cornucopia.
Frangipane and Obsidian fight for a bag. Obsidian gives up and retreats.
Bitter retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
Acnologia runs away from the Cornucopia.
yes een first aids kit