‘I really appreciate it, Rosie. Thank you.’ Zei ik gemeend. Het liet me echt speciaal voelen, dat ze zo lief over me sprak en ik waardeerde het oprecht. ’My mom is the strongest, sweetest and most caring woman I know.’ ‘As weird as it might sound.. You honestly remind me of my mom when it comes to that, because besides her, you really are the strongest, sweetest and most caring woman I know. And both of you are just so lovely and fun to hang out with.’ Mompelde ik klein glimlachend. ‘And my dad, I really look up to him. He’s such a cool and smart person.’ Knikte ik. ‘And then my siblings.. My sister is a lot like my dad, such a smart and sweet girl. My brother though, he’s more like me.’ Grinnikte ik zacht. ‘What about your family though? Do you have siblings?’ Vroeg ik geïnteresseerd.