TheBurrow schreef: Rose keek hem aan. "That's too bad. I've been in love once. It was wonderful. I spent days with him.. Eventually he got married and became a decent man. No time for lovers on the side. But it was wonderful." Vertelde ze dromerig. Als ze eraan terugdacht voelde ze weer vlinders, net als nu
TheBurrow schreef: "Oh no, because I later hurt he left his wife and cheated on her al those years. Sometimes love makes you blind." Rose grinnikte en keek even naar hem.
TheBurrow schreef: Rose grinnikte. "Yeah I'm very glad that didn't happen. Let's hope mine won't be such a cheater." Ze keek opzij naar Miles. Hij kende hem beter natuurlijk.
TheBurrow schreef: Rose keek naar hem. "Well I'm not of that much importance. I'm just a lady in waiting and not even a duchess or a countess. Just the daughter of a Duke, second one even." Ze grinnikte. "I know my place and it's fine."