Aurora schreef:
"You'll do amazing, I'm sure. I've seen you grown so much, and I know performing is your worst fear but you'll be okay. You've overcome so much, you can with this to" glimlachde ze. "And I know, when we first met no one really knew you were on youtube, and now, like at the airport, random people are asking for picutres with you" Knikte ze. Ze begon rustig het lied te lezen en probeerde zich de melodie voor te stellen aan de hand van het bladmuziek. Ze slikte even toen ze teksten las. Ze wist ook direct waar dit vandaan kwam, wat zijn inspiratie was. Het was lastig om het te lezen aangezien ze de afgelopen week eraan heeft gewerkt om zich te focussen op de tour en niet na te denken over wat er gebeurd is. Ze gaf de bladen terug. "I must admitt that it was pretty hard to read, since well you know why. But honestly I think it's one of the most beautiful songs you've written. It has so much emotions and thought in it, I think it will be a song that can help a lot of girls who are going trough something similar." Zei ze.