Demi schreef:
Specifically, in this research we identify four key factors that can reliably predict whether, when, and how assortment size is likely to influence choice overload: (1) the difficulty of the decision task, which reflects the structural properties of the decision task operationalized in terms of time constraints, decision accountability, number of attributes describing each option, and the complexity of the presentation format; (2) the complexity of the choice set, which reflects the value-based relationships among the choice alternatives, including the presence of a dominant option, as well as the overall attractiveness, alignability, and complementarity of the choice options; (3) consumers' preference uncertainty, which reflects the degree to which consumers can evaluate the benefits of the choice options and have an articulated ideal point; and (4) consumers' decision goal, which reflects the degree to which individuals aim to minimize the cognitive effort involved in making a choice among the options contained in the available assortments.