Acnolgia schreef:
media materialism: to study media, you need to have a proper understanding of the scienceand engineering realities that govern the highly fine-structured computer worlds in which we live—without ignoring the fact that technical media did not start with the digital. Older technical media playan important part in the histories and genealogies, the archaeological layers conditioning our present.Media archaeology has been one field to constantly emphasize this point.” (p.2-3)“What if there is another level of media materialism that is not so easily dismissed as we would think?What if media materialism is not something that hones in on the machines only? Where do machinescome from, what composes technology in its materiality and media after it becomes disused,dysfunctional dead media that refuse to die? This book is structured around the argument that thereis such a thing as geology of media: a different sort of temporal and spatial materialism of mediaculture than the one that focuses solely on machines or even networks of technologies as nonhumanagencies. [...] [A materialism that] is not restricted to traditional ideas about media as devices but canrefer back to cosmology and geology: that the geological sciences and astronomy have already opened