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Buzfeed quiz wat is je uitslag
Landelijke ster

Internationale ster

huhh uitslag 
Internationale ster

hh btw
Landelijke ster

You got: You tend to live in the present because you're scared of what the future might — or might not — bring.Let's face it — the future is scary. Nobody knows what's gonna happen! Thinking about your life years from now makes you feel overwhelmed, so generally, you don't. You prefer to take things one day at a time and take the punches as they come rather than contemplate all the what-ifs in your life
Internationale ster

oh ik kwam de eerste keer uit bij een disneyquiz hahaha oops
Landelijke ster

Seesaw schreef:
oh ik kwam de eerste keer uit bij een disneyquiz hahaha oops
Was de verkeerde link haha 
Internationale ster

Skillet schreef:
Seesaw schreef:
oh ik kwam de eerste keer uit bij een disneyquiz hahaha oops
Was de verkeerde link haha 
ahahaha okay dacht effen dat ik dom was hahha
Internationale ster

ou got: You spend a lot of time caught up in daydreams because you're scared to put yourself out there.Listen, being a person is hard. It can be really scary to put yourself out there and try something you've always wanted to or to talk to that person you secretly have a crush on, because what if it all goes wrong? Often times, you live out the what-ifs of these situations from the comfort of your daydreams, so you get the happy endings without any of the hurt or failure.
Internationale ster

You got: You spend a lot of time caught up in daydreams because you're scared to put yourself out there.Listen, being a person is hard. It can be really scary to put yourself out there and try something you've always wanted to or to talk to that person you secretly have a crush on, because what if it all goes wrong? Often times, you live out the what-ifs of these situations from the comfort of your daydreams, so you get the happy endings without any of the hurt or failure.

kipnuggets achtervolgen me echt

ik heb zoveel zin in kipnuggets

You got: You act like you've got everything figured out, but you really have no idea what you're doing.On the outside, you come across as a very independent, organized person. You take pride in the fact that you know what you want and aren't afraid to make your dreams come true. On the inside, though, you're making it up as you go. You're suuuuper prone to overthinking things and are often hesitant to ask for help. If it's any condolence here, none of us know what we're doin'!

Landelijke ster

Account verwijderd

You got: You act like you've got everything figured out, but you really have no idea what you're doing.On the outside, you come across as a very independent, organized person. You take pride in the fact that you know what you want and aren't afraid to make your dreams come true. On the inside, though, you're making it up as you go. You're suuuuper prone to overthinking things and are often hesitant to ask for help. If it's any condolence here, none of us know what we're doin'!

ja dit ben ik echt
Landelijke ster


You got: You spend a lot of time caught up in daydreams because you're scared to put yourself out there.


You got: You spend a lot of time caught up in daydreams because you're scared to put yourself out there.Listen, being a person is hard. It can be really scary to put yourself out there and try something you've always wanted to or to talk to that person you secretly have a crush on, because what if it all goes wrong? Often times, you live out the what-ifs of these situations from the comfort of your daydreams, so you get the happy endings without any of the hurt or failure.
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