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IdeeΓ«n voor VP < Virtual Popstar
Developer Log & Feedback Forum

Hallo, Virtual Popstar Wereld!

Mijn naam is Decoderen, en ik ben de nieuwe programmeur voor Virtual Popstar. Ik heb er zin in om VP te verbeteren, en het zo goed mogelijk te maken! Ik heb al een aantal taken waar ik momenteel aan werk, die gedurende de maand online zullen komen. In verband met transparantie, zal ik deze post bijwerken met waar ik op dat moment mee bezig ben op de site.

Als je feedback of vragen hebt, laat het vooral in dit topic weten! Alle kritiek is welkom, het is tenslotte het doel om de website te verbeteren voor iedereen. Het verzoek is om in het Engels te posten, zodat dingen niet constant vertaald hoeven te worden. In dit topic geldt dus een uitzondering op de regel over Engelse taal.

Ik kijk er naar uit om met jullie samen te werken! 

Last Updated:

In Progress:
β€’ Pronoun user boxes on profiles
β€’ Pronoun user boxes on forum posts
β€’ Spam account countermeasures

Short Term
β€’ User-selected site background options
β€’ Dark mode option
β€’ Improved wishlists
β€’ WOF Update

Long Term
β€’ Wardrobe overhaul (+ favourite/locked items)
β€’ Mobile-friendly site

Queen of Queens

'Dark mode option'


Yay :) 
Internationale ster

Wauw super! Heel fijn dat er gave updates komen! 

Glad to work with you!! 

omgg wat is je favoriete taylor swift nummer
Queen of Queens

I hope you can add this to:

1: That we can put blogs online on a specific time. So we just set it on for example 20:00 and it will come online at that time. This is with the NT and CT page too, but it would be amazing if this can be for blogs too.

2: If you selling setjes or items in the plaza, that you can see who is selling it, and if more people sell it you can see a list of the person that sells it and for how much. So that you can mail the person if you think it is still a bit expensive but do wanna buy it. 

3: Bugs fixes, like if you buy cr i hear people will get cr 2 times sometimes and items/setjes sometimes too. Also when you bought stuff from the plaza or store and you go to you wardrobe you ALWAYS have those items on, this is sooo annoying. 

4:  That you can tag people if you are on you phone.

5: That you can mail more people at the some time, if you wanna sent everyone the some mail. 

6: That you can give DM and manager and/or only dm. (manager we can gift but the dm not)

7: More ranks, then only Queen of Queens/ King of kings. Because some are stuck on this for years, and it would be amazing if you have 'new' levels that we can reach! 

8: That you can add items/setjes to a favorited list, so you can find those items faster in your wardrobe.  Maybe also a  extra Wishlist option where people can put there items and sets in that they want to look first for.

9: Bodyguard removing, but that people who did pay cr for more days will get there cr back. Because i still have 422 days left haha.

10: HTML back so we can use this for our profiles and blogs too!

11: Ever blogger gets his own page/shortcut where people can see him/her new post blog! Because only having 1 atm is not useful, when someone is reaction on an old blog then the new blog that did come online that day is already gone from the home pages. 
12: Infinity saving looks in your favorite. Now we only can do 6 and we have way more creativity and wanna save all our looks we made! 

13: More options for having manager + DM so people will buy it more. Because in my opinion it is not very useful to have now. Only 6 times extra performing (so 12 and not 6 and this is only if you in a label that do tours and will get accepted) I would recommend infinity preforming as long you have manager and more stuff of course. For DM you only get a set and this set is more expensive then it is worth. So more things for DM so it will be worth to buy it, because now you can get it from someone waaaaay cheaper then spending 125 cr.   

14: Make DM and Manager price less pls!

15: When some quote you on the forum/topic that you will get a message about this. Because now we need to check every time if there is a reaction on us.

16: Make bff spots cheaper pls. And if someone is full that you still can sent a bff request and that the person gets a option to add a extra spot! 

17: A system that we can add more items/setjes in then just 1, so that we if we wanna trade for cr of sometimes don't need to go back 435345345 times to look for the things we need to sent over.

More ideas will coming soon probably....
Minister of Pop

Amazing, its super nice that we can see yourΓ© upcomming work. !:)
Minister of Pop

Oeeeh spannend!!
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