Aurora schreef:
"That's exactly why I don't get why you turned me in. You knew the situation, your mom has been in the same one. I had a plan just like she did, but unfortunately I never got the chance to use it since I was caught before I had the opportunity" Antwoordde ze terwijl voor zich uit keek. "I knew her actually, she helped me with the work we had in common. She was like my mentor, so I never thought that you would turn me in. And for what? Some stupid job you didn't even end up getting" Vervolgde Clara. Ze wilde eerst zijn antwoord horen voordat ze besloot of hij een tweede kans waard was, of ze hem haar wel wilde laten helpen.
Wat Kat hem vertelde kwam hem ergens bekend voor "You're right, I heard my father talk about some oxigin problem once. Probably why they send us here indeed." Knikte hij instemmend en keek even naar de hemel waar de ark nog te zien was. "I'm kind of glad we left that place, it was no good. Besides, we would have been floated anyways so this was basically our last chance at life" zei hij terwijl hij het vliegende ding bekeek. "I won't, your secret is save with me, but isn't there something I ca do to help you?" Vroeg hij aan haar.