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Wat voor 'dier' zijn jullie?
Internationale ster


ik ben een barn owl hahaaha

You're a Teddy bear!Motto: Let's all get along 13 percent of the UK population are Teddy bears. Teddy bears are warm, friendly, loyal and popular.
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Ik ben een super tijger 


Tijger maar vgm is er iets misgegaan lmao
Internationale ster

You're a Seahorse!
Motto: Let's think about it
2 percent of the UK population are Seahorses.
Seahorses have been credited with deep, magical qualities, and can also be deep, quiet and imaginative. Seahorses tend to live in warm waters and care for their young. The head shape of a Seahorse is as unique as a human fingerprint and they also value their own and others' uniqueness.

Minister of Pop

Charon schreef:
You're a Seahorse!
Motto: Let's think about it
2 percent of the UK population are Seahorses.
Seahorses have been credited with deep, magical qualities, and can also be deep, quiet and imaginative. Seahorses tend to live in warm waters and care for their young. The head shape of a Seahorse is as unique as a human fingerprint and they also value their own and others' uniqueness.

Landelijke ster

Charon schreef:
You're a Seahorse!
Motto: Let's think about it
2 percent of the UK population are Seahorses.
Seahorses have been credited with deep, magical qualities, and can also be deep, quiet and imaginative. Seahorses tend to live in warm waters and care for their young. The head shape of a Seahorse is as unique as a human fingerprint and they also value their own and others' uniqueness.

Charon schreef:
You're a Seahorse!
Motto: Let's think about it
2 percent of the UK population are Seahorses.
Seahorses have been credited with deep, magical qualities, and can also be deep, quiet and imaginative. Seahorses tend to live in warm waters and care for their young. The head shape of a Seahorse is as unique as a human fingerprint and they also value their own and others' uniqueness.

Internationale ster

Ik ben ook een barn owl hahaha c:

You're a Koala bear!Motto: I get on with it quietly 14 percent of the UK population are Koalas.
Koalas are popular and warm animals. They like the safety of their eucalyptus trees and the security and safety of their families, being loyal and caring to those around them. Koalas have strong muscles around their pouch to protect their young, and can also be strong and determined to protect what they believe in.

You're a Clownfish!Motto: Hey, I've had another idea! 6 percent of the UK population are Clownfish. Clownfish are energetic, creative and busy fish. They are often thinking of new and clever ways of doing things, preferring variety and action to peace and quiet
Minister of Pop

You're a Falcon!Motto: Everything's negotiable3 percent of the UK population are Falcons.
Falcons are the fastest animals in the world, flying up to about 120 miles per hour and like them a Falcon personality can also be fast with words and actions, moving quickly from idea to idea and task to task. Falcons migrate and often like to try out new experiences. When they speak, Falcons are loud!

You're a Black bear!Motto: I'll be the boss
Internationale ster

Tholger schreef:
Tijger maar vgm is er iets misgegaan lmao
Naja t is ook wel heel erg categoriserend haha
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