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Buzfeed quiz wat is je uitslag
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13 Reasons WhyYou're thoughtful, creative, and a real introvert. You don't like to stray too far from home and prefer to get your fix of adventure from reading a good book. You love your friends, but your favourite past times are listening to music and going on afternoon bike rides.
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ImStella schreef:
You got: You spend a lot of time caught up in daydreams because you're scared to put yourself out there.Listen, being a person is hard. It can be really scary to put yourself out there and try something you've always wanted to or to talk to that person you secretly have a crush on, because what if it all goes wrong? Often times, you live out the what-ifs of these situations from the comfort of your daydreams, so you get the happy endings without any of the hurt or failure.

ShyYou're not big on meeting new people, and you're usually awkward and uncomfortable in those situations. You're way more at ease when you're around a small group of friends–usually five or six people–who you stick pretty close to. When you are dragged out to a party or something, you can only have fun if your close friends are there. Does that sound like you? Let us know in the comments.

3eYou're very ambitious, but you worry a lot about the futureYou have high hopes for your future, and because of this you worry a lot about not reaching your full potential. It's important that you use this spare energy to motivate yourself instead of allowing to weigh you down.

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Everything SucksYou're an introverted extrovert — you love singing, acting and performing, but you also love staying at home with your parents. You seem pretty shy at first, but once people get to know you they love your witty humour. You're creative, ambitious, and resourceful — you always think on your feet to come up with solutions to any problems that come your way. You're a bit of rule breaker, but you're so charming that you get away with it.
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